How to stop drinking forever

Alcohol is a legal drug. According to statistics, eight out of ten people use it regularly. Moreover, in most cases, even if he drinks every day, he will not think he is sick or addicted. About 20% of active people drink at least 3 times a week, another 50% drink once a week, and only 20% drink less than 2-3 times a month. However, even if it is used twice a month, a person will gain psychological and physical dependence. In this article, we will discuss how to stop drinking on your own, why you should stop drinking and how to stop breaking down.


How to stop drinking alcoholic beverages

Everyone knows that alcohol is an addictive drug. Moreover, everyone knows that alcohol is toxic at any dose, but they still continue to use it.

After using it for a few years, it is almost impossible to quit smoking by alcohol-a person is so used to drinking vodka, champagne, beer and wine to rest that he can't imagine living without drinking. Therefore, people only stop drinking after actually coding, or their health conditions do not allow them to do so.

Drunkenness leads to population degradation, extinction, and a decline in popular culture and literacy. Therefore, we recommend that absolute everyone reconsider their attitude towards alcohol, and if they do not completely abstain from alcohol, they should reduce their drinking at least once or twice a month.

If there are alcoholics in a family, then life in it is conflict and problematic. Usually there is not enough money to buy clothes and food, children and spouses live under constant pressure, and scandals and fights often occur in the family. This pattern of behavior has become the norm in children, who then repeat this behavior in adulthood.

Can you give up drinking?

If you want to know how to stop drinking forever, there is no single answer to this question. This process is personal to everyone. Some people just refused to drink, realized the danger, some surpassed their norms and almost died of an abscess, some lost their job or received the respect of their friends, and then they made up their minds.

But the main thing is that one is aware of the existing problem and tries to solve it in any way. Without this, it is impossible to overcome the addiction and craving for alcohol. The patient must set a goal for himself and work towards it, otherwise he will achieve nothing.

How to get rid of alcohol addiction

Usually, the rejection process is related to completely replacing the circle of friends or even living-it is difficult for a person to give up sitting with friends who drink at night, drinking with colleagues at the next company party or celebrating the purchase of new pants with neighborshabit.

Please remember that the psychological craving for alcohol is very strong, and it is quite difficult to deal with alcohol alone without changing your habits.

It is necessary to ensure that the patient has no free time. Get busy, find hobbies, start playing in the gym or swimming pool, and meet new people in a non-drinking environment. Hobbies should bring joy, capture, and nourish the adrenaline-after receiving new useful substances, you can easily replace alcohol from your life.

The main goal is to forget about vodka, beer and wine-you don't need to drink to have a good time.

Alcohol is a sinister opponent that can cause mental addiction.

Why is alcohol harmful

So you already know how to start fighting. To motivate you, we have listed the main harms of alcohol to people:

  1. Health deterioration.Many alcoholic men died of heart disease at the age of 35-45. Alcohol can poison the liver, kidneys and central nervous system, cause blood vessels to deform, affect sexual function and reduce immunity. If a person has been drinking for more than 10 years, the risk of giving birth to healthy offspring is often zero. He developed heart failure, which greatly increased the risk of cancer and tuberculosis.
  2. Social relations have deteriorated.The family treats alcoholics extremely negatively. Many friends and acquaintances are reluctant to drink continuously because they behave positively and "borrow money until payday. "In addition, in the state of alcoholism, there are a lot of crimes-theft, murder, hooliganism.
  3. The financial situation has deteriorated.Alcohol is expensive today, and snacks are needed, so even a traditional party costs a penny. A person no longer takes care of himself and takes care of his appearance, and he spends his money on drinking instead of on his family. As a result, everyone involved in alcohol suffers absolutely. In addition, such people are often fired for being unreliable, and few like the smell of oily smoke.

Danger of throwing

How to stop drinking on your own

There is a myth that it is impossible to stop drinking suddenly, because a person may start to stop drinking. This is only true when the patient overeating and drinking for more than 3-5 days. In this case, you really can't stop drinking-you need to take him to the hospital for IV drip, or let him leave home within 2-3 days. If a person does not use it often and does not binge, then he can stop drinking without any problems.

Why can't you suddenly get rid of the fanaticism? Since the human body will be poisoned by alcohol and aldehydes, it will use alcohol as fuel, so refusal will result in:

  1. The heart is under extra stress.
  2. The pressure increases and the blood vessels are overloaded.
  3. The occurrence of strokes and heart attacks.
  4. Illusion. Due to the effects on the central nervous system, alcoholics may experience constant auditory and visual hallucinations.
  5. Fall into depression, eventually leading to severe mental illness and even suicide.

Therefore, if you are already in a binge, you need to gradually and correctly leave (preferably using drugs). Or read the rules about getting out of this state at home.

How to quit drinking by yourself

Let us figure out how to stop drinking on our own without the help of coding or an anaesthetist. To do this, you need to deal with your illness, or at least be aware of its existence. Allen Carr's book helps someone quit drinking, and someone himself has concluded that alcohol is toxic and does no good. Usually, you need to adjust what you want to opt out of. Otherwise, you will slide to the bottom and die before the due date.

The second step is to develop intolerance. There are many ways to do this, but we recommend that you use traditional home remedies.


  1. The strong soup of St. John's Wort. Buy it at a pharmacy, put 4 tablespoons in a pot, pour half a liter of concentrated water. Infuse for about half an hour, and then twice a day, 30 to 50 grams each time. After about 10 to 12 days, you will have a constant aversion to all alcohol.
  2. Buy bearberry leaves from a pharmacy and brew 2 tablespoons in a cup of boiling water (you can cook the mixture for another 5-10 minutes). Take this soup 4-6 times a day.
  3. Take one kilogram of oats, rinse them, put them in a pot, add water (you can add one and a half liters of water to cover all the grains). Pour about 100 grams of marigolds into the mixture, cook the broth for 20-30 minutes, and then let it sit in a warm place for 12 hours (you can wrap the pot with a towel). You need to drink 3 soups a day and fill a 200g cup.
How to stop drinking on your own

When you stop drinking, stop drinking 100%, otherwise you will fall again.

Now, let's take a look at the tinctures that can help you stop drinking. Here are the three most common recipes:

  1. Lovage and laurel roots are filled with a glass of moonlight or vodka, and the agent is infused for 10-14 days. It is then filtered and provided to the patient (dose 50-100 grams). He couldn't beat himself drinking, and then began to vomit violently. Repeated intake can lead to dislike of drinking.
  2. The hoof leaves are steamed in a cup of thick boiling water, and then infused in the shade for 10-14 days. Then 100 grams of of was mixed with 100 grams of vodka and provided to the patient. He drank alcohol and caused severe vomiting. The fixed effect repeats again.
  3. Take zinnia, wormwood and thyme in equal amounts, 1 tablespoon per tablespoon. The mixture is poured into boiling water and poured for 2-3 hours. It is then filtered and given to the patient 50 grams 4 times a day.

Tea can also be used-it is very helpful in coping with the thirst of drinkers.

Use the following recipe:

  1. Take 15-20 grams of dried mint, wormwood, and arrow grass. Pour water into it, add calf and juniper berries (about one liter of boiling water). Let it infuse and then drink it twice a day.
  2. 30-40 grams of wormwood, St. John's wort and Owort, 20 grams of angelica and coriander seeds, 10 grams of juniper and 30 mint. Mix and grind all these ingredients. Then take a tablespoon of the finished mixture, pour 250 ml of boiling water, and drink it twice a day.

People who try to stay away from alcohol are usually advised to drink more alcohol, so that the fluid can thin the blood and remove residual poisons. Remember, you can stop drinking. You may not succeed for the first time and you will collapse, but if you are determined to overcome illness and addiction, your collapse and wakefulness period will become less and less. Squeeze alcohol from life, replace it with something interesting, and you will succeed!